Prayer to Launch into Purpose

It's Time To Launch

Do you have a purpose or assignment God placed in your heart to do but you've been slowed down or paralyzed in your progress due to fear, worry, or distractions? This prayer will help launch you into your God-given purpose and assignment.


Our Dear Father, 

You are our Creator, your eyes saw us while we were woven in darkness even while in our mother's womb. Before we had a day on earth already Your book had written all the days forged before us 1, for we are your masterpiece created in Christ Jesus so we could do the things you planned for us long ago 2

We confess that we have not been using the talents you've given us to fulfill your purpose. We've been foolish, wicked, and lazy, making up excuses for why we can't do what you've told us to do 3 rather than take accountability for our misuse of time. We've been waiting for the conditions to be "perfect" and "right" for us to start 4 rather than walk in obedience.

We've allowed the worries and distractions of this world, the superficial pleasures and delights of riches to choke out the word of instruction you've given us so that we have bore no fruit in our lives 5, and for that we repent.

Father, please help us. Launch us into our purpose. You have not given us the spirit of fear, so right now we bind fear in the name of Jesus. We declare that we're supernaturally empowered by your Holy Spirit in our spirit, mind, and body to complete our assignment 6. May our hearts be good ground that when you speak the word of instruction we would understand, obey, and bear fruit, thirty, sixty, and hundred-fold return.

We pray that you would reveal to us the gifts and talents you've endowed us with to use in this life.  May we steward these properly by being good and faithful servants so that at Jesus' return we may have multiplied it for Your glory, receive our reward, and share in the joy of our master 3.

Help us to walk in preparedness, as wise, making the very most of our time on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence. May we understand what the will of the Lord is and hold onto it firmly 7. Help us to walk by faith and not by sight 8, being confident in this--that You who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it unto the end 9.

We pray these things in the powerful name of Jesus, our Lord who is the author and finisher of our faith 10. Amen!