Prayer To Be On FIRE For God Again

If the fire has diminished, it’s time to reignite it.

Let’s not allow our love for God to run cold. We must make sure our passion for Him burns brightly to the end of our earthly days.

Prayer To Be On Fire For God Again

Our Dear Father,

It’s been a while since we’ve felt the fire of your presence or the drive to seek after you and your ways. Our relationship feels so dry now…I know you’re near but it feels like you’re far away.

Father, we repent for leaving you, our first love, and allowing the cares of this world to carry us away 1. We want to be on fire for you again, to desire your word and read it consistently each day. We want to come humbly before you in prayer and not see it as a boring duty, but rather an opportunity to spend time with our loving father who cares for us. 

We pray our Christianity would not be a mere title we carry, but an actual fulfilling relationship with you. Let there be an outpouring of your Holy Spirit and fire over our lives. Please do not remove our lamp stand. Revive us to you again, ignite our hearts for your presence and kingdom. In Jesus name, amen!

Remember, faith without works is dead. So make sure you set aside time each day to seek God through his word and prayer and worship. 


Mark 4:18-19 NKJV
Now these are the ones sown among thorns; they are the ones who hear the word, [19] and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.

1 comment

  • Bri says:

    Thank you for this prayer. I like that you reminded us, our Heavenly Father is truly our first love. It is sad we can forget that. I know I have a sadness when I do not have my fire for God! He is my first love and has been there, loving me when others have not. I never want to lose my fire for God! Thank you Nelly for this reminder!!

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