Prayer of Repentance From Backsliding

No matter how far you've fallen, it's not too later to return to God If you've fallen into an old negative lifestyle or habit, join me in this prayer of repentance and God will heal your backslidden heart. Prayer Our...


Prayer To Be On FIRE For God Again

If the fire has diminished, it’s time to reignite it. Let’s not allow our love for God to run cold. We must make sure our passion for Him burns brightly to the end of our earthly days. Prayer To Be...


Prayer For Lost Loved Ones

As Christians it's our job to intercede for the lost. We all know someone, whether family, friend, or foe who is in need of salvation. As Christians it's our job to pray and intercede on behalf of those who are...


Prayer For Clarity

To do or not to do, that is the question... In life there will be situations that leave us unsure about the next step to take. Should we be with this person, take the job, or move to another state?...


Prayer For Starting A New Job

New job, new beginnings... Though Joseph was sold to slavery by his brothers, because God was with him, he was successful in his job and grew to have authority over everything his master had. Let's seek God so His presence...


Prayer Against Distractions

What the enemy can't destroy, he distracts... Are you being distracted? Do you feel like you can’t get anything done? You start something and then three hours later it’s like you’ve made poor progress. This prayer is against the distractions...


Dealing With Hate As A Christian

If you're a true follower of God, it's only a matter of time before this happens. No one wants this. Everyone tries to avoid it. It's time to get ready. They will dislike you, hate you, exclude you, make fun...


Prayer to Launch into Purpose

It's Time To Launch Do you have a purpose or assignment God placed in your heart to do but you've been slowed down or paralyzed in your progress due to fear, worry, or distractions? This prayer will help launch you...


Prayer For Seeking God

Are you seeking God but don't know how to start? Scripture states that if you draw near to God, He will draw near to you 1 . He is always looking down from heaven to see if anyone is seeking Him 2 . This...
