Prayer Against Distractions

What the enemy can't destroy, he distracts...

Are you being distracted? Do you feel like you can’t get anything done? You start something and then three hours later it’s like you’ve made poor progress. This prayer is against the distractions that won't allow you to give your full attention to what you should be focusing on.


Our Dear Father,

We come to you in the name of Jesus, seeking you God for help and assistance in focusing. We confess that we've been distracted. We've been pulled away from our duties by doing things we shouldn't, whether it be social media, TV, games, or anything else that isn't our assignment. 

We ask that through your Holy Spirit we would grow in self-control so that when the temptation arises we can say 'no' to these distractions, may we always take the way of escape you provide for us so we can stay focused and endure 1. May we look straight ahead and fix our eyes on the task before us 2.

You tell us in your word that whatever our task may be that we should put our very best effort as something done for You and not for men 3, so right now we cast down all distracting thoughts in the name of Jesus. Any thought that isn't in alignment to our current assignment we rebuke it in the name of Jesus. By your power and grace we declare that we will be able to put our very best effort into this task.

And as we do our task, help us to not waste time on things that aren't important. Help us to not be like Martha when you visited--worried and upset over unnecessary details and tiring herself out doing things that weren't beneficial--instead help us to be like Mary, where we have the discernment to pinpoint what our focus should be and get the most of our time 4.

In Jesus' mighty name we pray, amen!