Prayer For Starting A New Job

New job, new beginnings...

Though Joseph was sold to slavery by his brothers, because God was with him, he was successful in his job and grew to have authority over everything his master had. Let's seek God so His presence Goes with us into our new job.


Our Dear Father, 

Thank you for this new job, we are so grateful for this new beginning.  As we step into this season we pray that you give us favor with our coworkers, managers, and supervisors so that it would foster a healthy work environment. May those appointed to train us do it with a good attitude, truly teaching us all we need to learn to fulfill our position successfully. Let your favor surround us with shield that protects us 1 from those that would teach us grudgingly or behave in a way that makes us feel like a bother.

As they instruct us we ask for supernatural knowledge, wisdom, and skill 2. The knowledge to learn and retain all the information they give us, the wisdom to be able to apply it appropriately into practice, and the skill to perform our tasks seamlessly. In this process may we be humble and take correction gracefully. 

O' Lord, please go with us into this job and make all we do to prosper in our hand. Bless our work environment for our sake and may your blessing be over all we've been given responsibility over 3. Let your grace rest on us, enabling us to work with a good heart as though we're working for You Lord and not men 4. In Jesus' name we pray, amen!