Prayer For Lost Loved Ones

As Christians it's our job to intercede for the lost.

We all know someone, whether family, friend, or foe who is in need of salvation. As Christians it's our job to pray and intercede on behalf of those who are blind to the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Our Dear Father, 

Thank you for sending your son Jesus to be the propitiation for our sins. That through his sacrifice as the spotless lamb of God we are washed of our sins and live in His righteousness 1. Thank you for delivering us from sin and death. Indeed the hour of judgement is coming, but we are now in a dispensation of grace. 

Because of this Father, right now I'd like to present _____ before you, asking that that you would draw them to Jesus so they would receive salvation 2. I know it's your will for you are not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance 3. I pray that your Holy Spirit would hover over _____ and convict them of their sinful state, that they would recognize their desperate need of a savior--the one and only Jesus Christ.

Let your goodness be a guide that leads them to repentance 4, for you have no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Rather, you desire for the wicked to renounce their evil ways and turn to you and live5

We command the veil covering _____'s eyes to be torn right now in the name of Jesus, that the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ would shine on them. Remove the scales from their eyes, give them vision. Give them eyes that see and ears that hear. Let this light of Christ shine in their heart and mind so that they may receive the truth of your word and a full revelation of Jesus Christ 6

I pray that you would send the right laborers to share the gospel to them in a way that they'll be able to receive and understand 7. Give _____ a heart of sole devotion to You and put a new spirit within them. Take away their stony, stubborn, rebellious heart and give them a heart that's obedient and responsive to Your word and Your ways 8. We pray these things in the name of Jesus, our Redeemer 9, amen!