Prayer For Clarity

To do or not to do, that is the question...

In life there will be situations that leave us unsure about the next step to take. Should we be with this person, take the job, or move to another state? Is this the right next step? Our Heavenly Father delights when we humble ourselves before Him and seek His face regarding a matter.


Our Dear Father,

We come to you in the name of Jesus, thanking you Father for being the God of ultimate wisdom 1. You know all things and nothing is hidden before you. Even the very intentions of the heart of man lie bare before you 2. All the lies in darkness is as light to you 3

Father you promised us that if any of us lacks wisdom we should ask you and you would give it to us liberally without holding back 4. Right now we ask for clarity and wisdom concerning this situation 

(Use this time to ask God what you want to know.)

We ask that you make your will and desire for us clear concerning this situation. Let our steps be ordered by you, please direct our paths 5.

Right now we tear down any veil of deception, any veil of lies, any veil of manipulation or trickery stemming from the enemy, ourselves, or others. We bind all confusion and double mindedness in the name of Jesus! When you give us the answer, may we respond appropriately and not flip flop between your will and our ways, for a double minded man is unstable in all his way 4. We want your will, not our will to be done.

We trust that you who started a good thing in us will be faithful to complete it to the end 6. We know that you’re working all things, even this situation for our good no matter the answer you give us and it’s outcome 7. We ask these things in the name of Jesus, our faithful Shepherd who guides us and watches over us. Amen!